About Me

Experienced full stack engineer looking to build and design elegant solutions with modern technologies

LinkedIn GitHub Resume


  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • Angular
  • MongoDB
  • React
  • PostgreSQL


Undock | Software Engineer

SaaS platform for scheduling, coordinating, and hosting meetings. Undock makes meetings sharable, giving teams a single place for collaborative agendas, notes, and built-in conferencing (Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator’18)

- Built group voice conferencing allowing users to host conferences (20+ people) using Twilio API, Socket.io, Angular

- Developed a Gmail integration to display and insert mutual availability between sender and recipients into draft emails

- Designed and implemented a one-to-many notification system for conducting ad-hoc meetings using Socket.io

- Improved meeting booking experience by reducing the process to from 5 to 3-clicks, and incorporating location auto-suggestion using Google Places API

- Implemented a URL shortener to generate and look-up short links for meeting pages using Nginx, Node.js, MongoDB

- Improved app responsiveness (25%) and implemented new design layout for user profiles and meeting confirmations


Money Mentor

Personalized financial mobile application that encourages better spending habits and budget tracking. Using Plaid API, Money Mentor links to users' bank accounts and renders data visuals to display current spending against budget.

Winner of the People’s Choice and Developer’s Choice awards at FullStack Academy July 2018 Demo Day (out of 27 total teams across various cohorts).

Stack: React-Native, Redux, D3, Node.js, Express, Postgres


Mobile application for real time geolocation tracking and sharing for connected users.

Stack: React-Native, Expo.io, Socket.io, Node.js, Express


An e-commerce platform where users run, create, and manage a store.

Stack: React, Redux, Node.js, Express, Sequelize, Postgres

Let's Connect!

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If you prefer to contact me directly, send your Email to: joycechow01@gmail.com